Welcome to Embrapa's Ombudsman's Case Library!


Here you will find a virtual collection of cases submitted to the corporation's Ombudsman's Office. The cases aim to stimulate reflection about the application of the principles that guide the performance of a Public Ombudsman's Office, covering theme such as ethics, diversity, relationship with society, etc., with focus on the corporation's performance.


Studying cases is a learning tool with the potential to transfer knowledge and skills for employees and citizens, with a focus on problems or challenges, either to overcome them or to document the efforts made to supplant them. The intention is to provide readers with stories, questions, problems, choices and information so that they can reflect on solutions, possibilities of action and decision-making, and be able to answer the key question: what would you do if you had to face the circumstances described in the case?


The cases are narratives that depict a scenario that mirrors real life, in which decisions and conclusions are made based on the context presented. They are means to bring reality into the context of the relationship between the company and society, and an important resource for learning.


Check our collection, uses it, and tell us about your experience.

Participate in the Case Library.

Send your case for review: ouvidoria@embrapa.br

And contribute to the elaboration of new materials for organizational learning.

(Files in Portuguese)

THE DUE INTERPRETATION OF NORMS – the case about the ineligibility of an employee in maternity leave to the Process of Merit Pay Increase  


THE CASE ABOUT BUILDING RENOVATIONS – A fair appeal from employees


THE CASE OF AN “ETHICAL ADMONISHMENT” — the reformulation of a decision