
Admission to Embrapa's staff is gained through a public selection process that includes entrance examinations called "concurso público", according to Article 37 of the Federal Constitution of Brazil. Each public selection process is valid for two years and may be extended for another two according to the corporation's needs and convenience.

Approved candidates shall be summoned through registered mail, pursuant to the dispositions of each public call for selection, and following the priorities established by Embrapa's Executive Board to meet the corporation's needs.

Summons and admissions are not published in the government's official gazette Diário Oficial da União because, as Embrapa is a state-owned company governed by private law and by the Labor Code Consolidação das Leis do Trabalho - CLT, it is exempt from such requirement.


Selections previously held by Embrapa:

Candidates' final status - All posts and regions.
(PDF file in Portuguese, size: 2.2 MB)

  • Concurso Embrapa 2006, for Higher-level Technicians II and III and for Researchers II and III - several areas.
    Access to exam board's site (CESPE/UnB).
  • Concurso Embrapa 2005, for Higher-level Technicians II, areas: Law and Accounting .
    Access to exam board's site (CESPE/UnB).


Personnel Management Department (DGP) / Coordination for Selections and Functional Management - CSF