Through the citizens' customer service, you can clarify any doubts and ask abour products, services, and processes developed by Embrapa.

  • Ombuds services

    File a claim, complaint, request, suggestion, compliment or service simplification request at Embrapa.


  • SIC

    Through the Citizens Information Service, you can request access to information produced or kept by Embrapa, pursuant to Brazilian Federal Law 12527/2011.


  • SEI

    The Electronic Information System (SEI) allows registered users to follow and participate in Embrapa's administrative proceedings.


  • Ethics

    Read the Code of Ethics and contact Embrapa's Ethics Commission.

Addresses Addresses

  • Headquarters

    Parque Estação Biológica - PqEB. 

    Brasília, DF, Brazil - Postcode 70770-901

    Phone: +55 61 3448-4433 | Fax: +55 61 3448-4890 / 3448-4891

    Office hours (weekdays): 8h to 12h/13h to 17h

  • Embrapa Units

    Locate the addresses and contact details of Embrapa's research centers from North to South of Brazil in the map.


  • Embrapa abroad

    Check Embrapa's operations abroad and learn how to contact its professionals who work outside Brazil.