    Embrapa is a company with a global spirit, which has built a solid international cooperation network in the course of its history . It is currently present in all the populated continents and has partnerships with some of the world's top institutions and research networks. Under the coordination of the Secretariat of Intelligence and Strategic Relations (Sire), the corporation's activities abroad also contribute in scientific and technical aspects to the Brazilian Government's international agenda.

Scientific Cooperation Scientific Cooperation

  • Scientific cooperation

    Knowledge exchanges and advances in scientific and technological research with several institutions in the world, to the benefit of Brazilian agriculture.
  • Technical Cooperation

    Promotion of multilateral and bilateral cooperation, contributing to reduce poverty and hunger in African, Caribbean and Latin American countries.

News News

FAO awards Embrapa's work to achieve SDGs

Colaboração da Embrapa a países africanos é discutida em evento do Banco Islâmico de Desenvolvimento

Colheitadeira de algodão para agricultura familiar é apresentada em dia de campo no Paraguai

Cooperação e estratégias de inovação para o agro na agenda do presidente da Embrapa em Israel