What are the SDGs?

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were established by the United Nations Organization (UN) in 2015 and compose a world agenda for the elaboration and implementation of public policy aimed at guiding humankind to 2030.

The agenda comprises an international action plan to achieve the 17 SDGs, unfolded in 169 targets, that address several themes that are fundamental for human development, in five perspectives: people, planet, prosperity, partnership and peace.

The 17 SDGs involve diverse themes like eradication of the poverty, food security and agriculture, health, education, gender equality, reduced inequalities, energy, water and sanitation, sustainable production and consumption standards, climate change, sustainable cities, protection and sustainable use of the oceans and terrestrial ecosystems, inclusive economic growth, infrastructure and industrialization, governance, and means of implementation.

During the years of the implementation of the 2030 Agenda, the SDGs and their targets should encourage and support action in areas of crucial importance for humankind: Peace, Prosperity, Planet, People and Partnership.

Embrapa and SDGs

The alignment strategy and oversight of Embrapa's activities regarding SDGs are coordinated by the Secretariat of Intelligence and Strategic Relations (SIRE), with the participation of several Central Units. As food and agriculture are related to practically all SDGs, Embrapa made a comprehensive assessment of all its agricultural research and innovation agenda, mapping interfaces and synergies with the SDGs and its targets. Such work concluded that the corporation has directly or indirectly contributed to achieving 131 of the 169 targets established by the 17 SDGs. 

Showing Embrapa's alignment with the international commitment to the SDGs is a means for accountability and demonstrates how the corporation can help eradicate all kinds of poverty in Brazil, contributing with alternatives that could also be adopted in several parts of the world.

The Brazilian commitment to the SDGs was defined by Decree 8892/2016, which established the National Commission for the Sustainable Development Goals.

Embrapa's Contributions to the Sustainable Development Goals (e-books)

Embrapa organized a publication series composed of 18 e-books that address how the corporation's work is related to each of the Sustainable Development Goals. To download each publication, click on the corresponding SDG icon below.

The e-books are available as PDF or ePub files. To open such files, download one of the following specific software programs.  For Android: Google Play Books; IOS: iBooks; Windows and Linux: Calibre


Web Content Display

A Embrapa, por meio do seu Balanço Social, publicado desde 1997, divulga a avaliação de impactos de tecnologias, dentre outros indicadores, como forma de dar transparência às ações realizadas pela empresa. A avaliação é realizada em quatro pilares: econômico, social, ambiental e institucional. Uma amostra de tecnologias de cada unidade da Embrapa é avaliada e monitorada até o final de sua vida útil (ou desuso), utilizando metodologia específica desenvolvida pela empresa. É importante frisar que as tecnologias avaliadas anualmente e que fazem parte do balanço social estão, em sua maioria, intrinsecamente alinhadas à Agenda 2030 e seus ODS. 

Sob essa perspectiva, o Desenvolvimento Sustentável seria capaz de promover o equilíbrio positivo entre os chamados 5 Ps da sustentabilidade, que são: Pessoas, Planeta, Parcerias, Paz e Prosperidade. Dessa forma, apenas podem ser consideradas como sustentáveis as tecnologias que melhorem a qualidade de vida das pessoas, a qualidade ambiental, estabeleçam parcerias em busca da sustentabilidade e que promovam a paz e a prosperidade.

Desde 2020, 140 tecnologias desenvolvidas pela Embrapa foram alinhadas a 82 metas dos 17 ODS; e em 2021, houve o alinhamento de 156 tecnologias a 131 metas ODS, contribuindo para o alcance dos pilares da Agenda 2030.

As Tecnologias Balanço Social e os ODS

Para 156 das 170 tecnologias apresentadas no Balanço Social de 2021 foi aplicado um instrumento para estabelecer o alinhamento destas às 131 metas ODS. Sob a premissa de que uma tecnologia contribui para um ODS se, ao menos, uma meta estiver alinhada ao mesmo, as tecnologias avaliadas contribuíram com todos os 17 ODS. 
Para mais detalhes, clique aqui.