Observatory of Studies and Trends

The "front door" to Agropensa is the Observatory. Through such component, Agropensa monitors and prospects trends about the agricultural sector in Brazil and abroad.

The intention is to characterize the information and spread knowledge that can contribute to decision-making on agricultural technological development, sustainability, and related economic/political issues; and also target rural development and possible solutions through the generation and adoption of technology.

Collecting and processing data and information generates relevant signs for the Agropensa System and inputs for more elaborate analyses and studies that require more time for their conclusion.

Such information and signals captured by the Observatory, which include demands presented by the Executive Board or by Heads of Embrapa through request forms, are then submitted to Agropensa's Managing Committe. The latter then organizes such demands to submit them to the Strategy Management Committee (Comitê Gestor de Estratégias - CGE) and the Executive Board (Diretoria Executiva - DE).

At this stage, there is strong interactivity among the participants of Embrapa's Web of Knowledge ( Embrapa's Central and Decentralized Units, Labex, and external partners in Brazil and abroad).