Embrapa has actively participated in the elaboration and implementation of several government policies. We believe that access to information and the adoption of technological solutions developed by national research is fundamental to a more sustainable agriculture in Brazil. Learn more about some of the public policies which have counted on our participation.

Brasil Sem Miséria [Brazil Without Extreme Poverty]

Increased family farmers' production capacity and promotion of their products in consumer markets are among the goals of the Brazil without Extreme Poverty line of action related to productive inclusion which counts on Embrapa's participation.

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ABC Plan [Low Carbon Agriculture plan]

Comprising seven programs, the ABC Plan aims to foster the adoption of sustainable production technologies, with the goal of meeting the commitments to reduce GHG emissions in the agricultural sector pledged by Brazil.

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National ICLF Policy

The National ICLF policy's goal is to promote the rehabilitation of degraded pastures with the adoption of Integrated Crop-Livestock-Forestry systems. Embrapa's role in the policy involves the development of integrated technologies and technology transfer.

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The National Soil Survey and Interpretation Program aims to perform a detailed survey of Brazil's soils withinformation about their characteristics, use, conservation, rehabilitation and management. Such information will inform policies on soil conservation and rehabilitation, land use planning, and zoning. 

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Amazon Fund

Embrapa's participation in the Amazon Fund through BNDES-funded projects aims to support the prevention, monitoring and fight against deforestation, and promoting the conservation and sustainable use of the Brazilian Amazon region.

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National Plan on Agroecology and Organic Production – Planapo

Planapo is the main tool for the implementation of the federal government's National Policy on Agroecology and Organic Production (Pnapo). It was created to expand and conduct activities to guide sustainable rural development..

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Family Farming Crop Year Plan

The Family Farming Crop Year Plan comprehends a set of policies aimed towards strengthening family farming and sustainable production. Embrapa contributes to the effort with Technology Transfer and Knowledge Exchange activities, bringing technological solutions to strengthen the segment.  

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2013/2014 Agriculture and Livestock Plan

The Agriculture and Livestock Plan establishes incentives to technological innovation, the adoption of agricultural defense. Among the lines of credit is the Inovagro Program, which allocated R$ 1 billion for the implementation of innovative technological solutions.

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Forest code

The Brazilian Forest Code has instituted general rules and regulations on where and how the Brazilian territory can be explored, as it determined which native vegetation areas shall be preserved and which are legally authorized to host rural production activities. Embrapa contributes to the process by generating information and technologies for the enforcement of the Code's guidelines.

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PPCDAm - Plan to Prevent and Control Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon

Embrapa participated in the elaboration of PPCDAm with other government institutions and helps in the plan's implementation with training activities and transfer of technologies on sustainable activities for the region.

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Embrapa's Pro- Gender and Race Equality and Diversity Program

In 2007, Embrapa voluntarily adhered to the Pro Gender and Race Equality Program by the Brazilian Presidency Secretariat of Women's Policies (Secretaria de Políticas para as Mulheres da Presidência da República - SPM/PR). The initiative fosters equality in personnel management practices and in the organization's environs.
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